Counselling for Relationship Loss and Breakups in Richmond Hill

Online Therapy for Millennials & Gen Z | Serving all of Ontario


Helping you heal from heartbreak and come out stronger.

counselling for breakups toronto

The end of a relationship can be so beyond painful. You’re trying to piece together where it all went wrong, but nothing makes sense. You feel heartbroken, angry, confused, and overwhelmed.

Maybe you thought you’d be over it by now but…

Being alone with your thoughts has been unbearable. You can’t concentrate on anything and reminders of your ex pop ev-ery-where.

Sometimes you feel so anxious you don’t know how to cope, while other times you’re so sad you don’t want to get out of bed. You desperately want to stop feeling this way but don’t know where to go from here. You just keep replaying the relationship in your mind over and over again and asking yourself ‘Why?’. We hear you and we want to help.


We know talking to family or friends about your feelings after a breakup can be tough.

Sometimes they might expect you to be ‘over it’ and move on. Other times you might get the whole ‘you can do better, they don’t deserve you’ speech (and we love them for that!). We get that moving on doesn’t happen over night, and want you to have the space to process all of your thoughts and feelings without the guilt or pressure.


Counselling for relationship loss and breakups can help with:

therapy for breakups toronto

➝ Processing your thoughts and feelings about the relationship.

➝ Easing the pain you’re feeling and understanding your emotions.

➝ Rebuilding your self-esteem.

➝ Understanding your wants and needs in relationships moving forward.

➝ Identifying and shifting patterns that are making you feel stuck.

➝ Feeling like yourself again!


You don’t have to heal from this painful breakup all on your own. We’re here to support you through so you can move forward and feel like yourself again.

Click below to book a free 15 minute consultation with one of our therapists by phone or video: